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Advice For Reverse Mortgage Originators On Connecting With Financial Planners

Reverse mortgage originators need to maintain valid referral sources and financial planners are often at the top of the list. A report from Reverse Mortgage Daily broke down three ways to make solid connections with financial planners.

The three ways included avoiding the obvious approach, being sure to speak in terms of reverse mortgage features and going in with a strategy and persistence. Derived from a panel of sales and reverse mortgage professionals at the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association Annual Meeting, these tips serve to help reverse originators make strong connections that will lead to more referrals and ultimately more business in the coming year.

"Doing some homework ahead of time to determine the type of financial professional you want to seek out for a referral partnership can make a big difference in ultimately making the connection that you, as a reverse mortgage professional, want to make," according to RMD.

Meanwhile, Ryan Ponsford, strategic business specialist at American Advisors Group added that outlining the financial problems that reverse mortgages could solve, is a great way to show why the product is a beneficial and viable option for folks heading into retirement.

To learn more about how reverse mortgage originators can better connect with financial planners, click on the image above.

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