Loan Origination Tool Spotlight: LendingQB

Lenders are always looking for new and innovative ways to originate mortgages. LendingQB takes it a couple steps further with customer engagement and efficiency. The numbers speak for themselves when it comes to LendingQB.
"According to the 2017 STRATMOR Technology Insight Survey, lenders gave LendingQB a 94% satisfaction rating, the highest rating among all the major LOS vendors in the mortgage industry," according to Rob Chrisman.
"LendingQB also ranked highest in end user experience and customer support, rating greater than 90% in characteristics such as system navigation, system documentation, intuitiveness and online help."
When it comes to its own rating, LendingQB claims they have a 93.3% customer satisfaction rating when it comes to the Instant Chat feature.
The company has created a request for demo form on its page, so, if you're a lender looking for a new loan origination tool, you can click here and check it out.