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Clayton Homes Shows Support for HUD's Regulatory Relief on Manufactured Homes Push

Clayton Homes, a leading manufactured housing company, is standing behind the Department of Housing and Urban Development as they seek to review construction and safety standards on manufactured homes.

"Our company is concerned that HUD’s Office of Manufactured Housing Program has developed in a manner that has increased the costs of operating in the industry without providing a commensurate benefit to consumers," wrote John Weldy, Clayton Homes' director of engineering, according to National Mortgage News.

"Some of HUD’s expansion of regulatory programs has stepped into state functions, reinterpret regulations in ways that are at odds with long-standing and accepted building practices, and implemented regulations and guidelines that unnecessarily limit consumer choice and increase costs."

The report states that 10% of single-family dwellings are manufactured homes. Those opposing these presumably eased standards fear that the overall quality of these homes may diminish.

By ignoring some of these rules, housing advocacy groups say it could lead to a lack of confidence in the overall quality of the home on all fronts.

"Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are expected to enter the manufactured housing market next year to provide a secondary market for MH chattel loans," according to the report.

Expect to see a lot of movement when it comes to the manufactured housing sector. To learn more about manufactured housing and why the HUD wants to do away with some of the rules and standards, click on the image above.

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