New NMN Webinar: Redefining the Proper Role of Compliance
National Mortgage News has released a brand new webinar titled, "Redefining the Proper Role of Compliance," featuring Ari Karen, CEO Strategic Compliance Partners and Owen Lee, CEO and President of Success Mortgage Partners.
"Regulations, enforcements and industry practices have evolved since the inception of Dodd-Frank," according to the National Mortgage News post.
"Today’s regulatory landscape is more challenging than ever, with increased scrutiny by regulators, less time for organizations to react and stricter enforcement actions for violations. These new demands are forcing firms to look for new ways to monitor and manage change and ensure they are compliant."
The webinar features information centered around the world of compliance and contains information to help officers find the best way to effectively implement compliance in their respective companies.
To learn more about the webinar or register to watch it, click on the image above.