Webinar Spotlight: How To Use Online Marketing To Your Advantage
For mortgage professionals, using technology can sometimes be quite tricky. However, it could possibly lead to a very fruitful and successful business. On Thursday August 17, at 3 PM LO's and mortgage professionals will be able to learn how to squeeze the success out of online marketing by using their own sites.
You will learn:
How Google is using Artificial Intelligence to identify ready to fund borrowers and how to get your business in front of them!
The reputation management process that you can swipe and deploy to automate the process of building you into the top rated online lender in your market.
Why over 50% of your online leads should be direct phone calls and how to convert them!
The 12 things your website MUST have to convert quality borrowers and the simple steps to optimize your website so you rank in your local market.
How to properly build your online marketing plan to rank on the front page and stay there long term.
BONUS: Q and A with Chris Johnstone to answer your questions and help you implement and get results.
To register for the webinar, click on the image above.