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Snapchat and Instagram Become LO's Gateway Into The Millennial Market

Social media is no longer dominated by Facebook or MySpace if you're old enough to remember that. It has now extended to platforms like Snapchat and Instagram. These platforms are more favorable among millennials, making them the perfect gateways into the difficult market.

"Savvy loan officers are joining an increasing number of real estate agents who post daily, short-term content on Snapchat and Instagram — so-called disappearing stories — to raise their profiles in their communities," according to National Mortgage News.

These are visual platforms that seem to connect with millennials in a more effective way than Facebook. It gives users (majority being millennials) a glimpse into what mortgage professionals are up to. That could mean a brief Snap or an Instagram post, followed by an Instagram story.

While Facebook has integrated a story and live function to their platform, millennials have been sticking strong with Snapchat and Instagram.

"With 71% of its users under 34, Snapchat proves most beneficial when targeting a millennial audience, according to the digital marketing agency Omnicore," claimed the report.

"However, while 59% of Instagram users are 18 to 29 years old, 33% are between the ages of 30 and 49."

These platforms aren't only being used to target the millennial market, they have also proven to be a gateway to growing the loan officer profession. That's right, Snapchat and Instagram are also being used as a recruiting tool.

Learn more on how Snapchat and Instagram are changing the game for mortgage professionals by clicking on the image above.

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